About Us

About T-RECS Verification
T-RECs Verification Pte. Ltd. formerly affiliated with T-REC.ai Pte. Ltd. is the Qualified Reporting Entity (QRE) of the global renewable registry I-REC and APX TIGRs approved independent Facility Verifier.
We provide services to verify, register and upload your generation data for the creation of renewable energy certificates (RECs).
Headquartered in Singapore with a strong focus in Asia, we have in depth knowledge of various countries renewable energy domain and have staff with various languages capability.
Provided Services
T-RECs Verification Pte. Ltd. provides a TRUSTED end-to-end service for our clients, from buyers-sellers matching to RECs registration/retirement to finally post-sale ownership verification.
We empower corporates and individuals to demonstrate their commitment to fighting global climate change through the asset registration and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificates with respective RECs registries like I-REC and APX TIGRs.
As we have been in the market for a while and have a close correspondence with the respective Registries, we believe we are able to onboard assets/devices seamlessly with ease of convenience.

Our Scope
Character of Verifier
The scope of a verifier involves extensive verification work of IREC Registrant Rroduction device at the point of registration, periodic checks are required on production devices at intervals to ensure proper documentation standards are well maintained and managed in ensuring the electricity produced by the verified Production device does not already receive I-REC(E) or other energy attribute certification for the same unit of Production.
This includes verification of the measured volume of eligible production stated in an issue request for I-REC to ensure that a legitimate issue request from the Registrant has taken place. Finally conducting periodic audits to ensure adherence to the code which applies to:
- The verification of Production Facility information as provided during the Facility registration application by the Registrant.
- The verification of production data from the registered Production Facility submitted by the Registrant.
- The collection and maintenance of evidentiary information at a sufficiently detailed level as to identify the amount of renewable energy generated by a Device.
Qualified Reporting Entity (QRE) with Registry
Integration in APX TIGR
As a participating QREs, T-REC Verification Service Pte. Ltd. collects and transfer generation data to the Registry for purposes of creating TIGRs℠ – Tradable Instruments for Global Renewables. QRE are responsible for verifying generation information from that Renewable Energy Asset.
The Registry tracks the specific types of Renewable Energy Assets for which QREs are approved to provide services, ensuring that they are suitably qualified and accredited.
With the Role of QRE, T-REC Verification Service Pte. Ltd. can embark interested clients and partners onboard with a common objective towards achieving sustainability goals.