Asset Registration

To register an asset, there will be a set of documents or information required during submission for verification before the asset can be uploaded to TIGR APX registry for review and approval.

Documents required by APX TIGR for asset registration will include but not limited to:

Asset Photo

Furnish 2 – 3 photo of the asset showing the entire facility

Interconnection Agreement

 Should show the COD (Commercial Operation Date) of when the Asset has started connecting to the power grid.

 Certification of Commissioning (to Grid)

Should show asset is connected to the electricity grid.

Power Purchase Agreement

Should indicate name of the asset owner of the grid in order to prove the authentication of the asset.

Single Line Diagram

Should have a certified electrician signatory and stamped with a certified chop

APX Designation of Responsible Party Form

A legal document that acts as evidence of company’s ownership of an asset

Letter of confirmation / Document on legal right

To determine if asset owner is receiving incentives or feed-in-tariffs from state owned utility company and obtaining declaration from asset owner that asset has not be registered in other registries or platform to prevent double counting.

Letter of Authorization

To assign rights to an agent to manage the overall asset management of owner’s behalf. 

GPS coordinates (Latitude and Longitude)

Coordinates provided must accurately pinpoint the asset location to ensure there is no ambiguity.

Metering evidence

Showing the serial of the inverter / meter

To ensure an asset can be approved in TIGR registry, the asset owner must authenticate that the asset is in existent, and the grid connected by verification of the above-mentioned documents like interconnection documentation, certificate of commissioning, power purchase agreements, attestations of other relevant documentation (if needed) to demonstrate the requirements above. You may refer to the guide for more details as reference. Kindly refer to the process flow of the Asset / Device registration below.

General TIGR Project Requirements:

1. Project Characteristics

  1. Fuel Type – all fuel types described in Appendix A of the TIGR Registry Procedures are acceptable. b. Project must be interconnected to the grid, able to add generation to the grid or, if project has onsite load, able to receive energy from the grid.
  2. Project must have Revenue-Quality Meters, ANSI-C12 or other equivalent standard such as IEC Standards.

2. Environmental Attribute Ownership and Registration

  1. The TIGR account holder must be the project owner or receive authorization to register the project from the project owner via the Responsible Party Designation form.
  2. The TIGR account holder must be the owner of the environmental attributes originating from renewable generation tracked in the TIGR registry. Environmental attributes include renewable energy credits, carbon offset credits and environmental claims.
  3. The project must have its environmental attributes originating from renewable generation fully registered in the TIGR registry. Parallel registration in other attribute tracking systems is prohibited, except in the following two instances:
  4. Conversion: Retiring carbon credits for purposes of issuing RECs
  5. Parallel Issuance: Issuing RECs from a carbon project instead of issuing carbon offsets. This is only possible if the project is registered in an APX managed carbon offset registry.
  6. Regional Compliance, Goals and Incentive Programs
  7. Projects participating in regional renewable compliance programs, such as a Renewable Portfolio Standard or Renewable Purchase Obligation, will not be permitted to register in the TIGR registry, unless such regional compliance program adopts TIGR as their compliance registry.
  8. Projects participating in a feed-in tariff, preferential rate or other similar incentive where the environmental attributes are relinquished due to receiving such incentive will not be permitted to register in the TIGR registry. Requests for exemptions to this requirement will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  9. Projects receiving incentives where the environmental attribute ownership remains with the project owner will be permitted to register in the TIGR registry.
  10. Projects located in regions where a voluntary renewable energy goal is in place and where the environmental attributes are not claimed by a specific entity towards that renewable energy goal will be permitted to register in the TIGR registry.