Device Registration

(Device Registration between owners and I-REC registry through issuer)

The I-REC Code sets out the process for device registration. Local issuers may have additional regulations for device registration which have been agreed with the I-REC Standard.

Owners of electricity generating facilities are able to register their electricity production stations on their own behalf or through the appointment of a third-party agent. The individual or organization tasked with registering the generating facility is called the registrant. Each registrant must apply for this position with the issuer and can work on behalf of multiple electricity generating facilities in that particular issuer’s country or region of responsibility. Registrants have access to the I-REC registry and can assign additional users from within their organization to have individual or limited access to a portion of the I-REC registry. The application and enrolment of the registrant with I-REC issuers is free of charge.

Registrants must apply for registry access with each individual issuer responsible for the country or region they wish to register production devices. If the electricity generating devices are located in areas where only the RotW issuer is active then applicant registrants should contact The Green Certificate Company with the following forms:

– A signed, scanned and completed copy of ‘I-REC Registrant Application Form’,

– A signed and scanned copy of the issuer standard terms and agreements, and

– A clear and legible copy of a valid passport of the primary individual representing or serving as the registrant.

The various documents for registrant application and enrolment with the RotW issuer can be found on the I-REC Standard website and as part of the I-REC Code Subsidiary Document 01 – Registrant and Participant Application. Individual local issuers will have their own documents for registrant application and enrolment. Upon completion of the registrant’s enrolment the issuer will provide registry access details to the registrant.

Step 1: Production device registration 

Registration of an electricity generating facility is valid for 5-years and is completed by a registrant. A registrant can register a production device with the RotW issuer by completing the ‘I-REC Production Device Registration Form’. This registration form represents the minimum criteria for device registration; however, local issuers may mandate additional information to meet their national compliance or mandatory system purposes (such as national or regional RPS, quota systems or support systems). If the registrant is not the legal owner of the production device, an ‘Owner’s Declaration Letter’ granting the registrant permission to act on behalf of the owner must be submitted. Supporting evidence will be required for some aspects.

Registrants must apply for production device registration for each individual electricity generating facility they wish to register in a country or region. If the electricity generating devices are located in areas where the RotW issuer is active then registrants should contact The Green Certificate Company with the following forms:

– A signed, scanned and completed copy of ‘I-REC Production Device Registration Form’,

– As needed, a signed, scanned and completed copy of ‘Owner’s Declaration’, and

– As needed, official third-party verification of production device details (see Step 3).

The various documents for production device registration with the RotW issuer can be found on the I-REC Standard website and as part of the I-REC Code Subsidiary Document 2 – Production Device Registration. Individual local issuers may have their own documents for production device registration.

Step 2: Third-party verification of production devices

All production devices must be audited by a third-party prior to their completed registration on the I-REC registry. Each issuer may mandate a different form of production device verification.

The RotW issuer usually requires confirmation of the device details from the national grid operator, national regulator or public authority. Where no official verification is publicly available, the issuer may require a site visit be carried out by a competent third-party. All issuers, including the RotW issuer, are tasked with conducting regular and ad-hoc audits to ensure the information delivered by the registrant and verified by third-parties remains accurate.

Step 3: Finalization of production device registration 

The issuer will send the registrant an invoice for the production device registration fee. Payment of the fee must be made prior to I-REC standard certificate issuance. Each individual issuer may have different fees for production device registration. Information about the RotW issuer fees can be found on the I-REC Standard website.

It is the registrant’s responsibility to notify the issuer of any changes in the production device which makes the registered information inaccurate.

(Device Registration between owners and T-REC verification service Pte Ltd)

Basically, to register a device, there will be a set of documents or information required during submission for verification before the device can be uploaded to I-REC Evident registry for review and approval.

Documents required by I-REC Evident for device registration will include but not limited to:

*CSGCM Provinces (Yun Nan, Gui Zhou, Guang Xi, Guang Dong, Hai Nan, Hong Kong & Macau)

Furnish 2 – 3 photos of the device showing the entire facility whether the device is roof mount or ground mounted.

Should show the COD (Commercial Operation Date) of when the Device has started connecting to the power grid.

Should indicate name of the device owner of the grid in order to prove the authentication of the device.

Should have a 3rd party authorized personnel verification with chop and signatory

Owners granting exclusive right to act in respect of trading all renewable energy attributes (Green) and obtain declaration from device owner that device has not be registered in other registries or platform to prevent double counting. 

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Coordinates provided must accurately pinpoint the asset location to ensure there is no ambiguity.


Showing the serial of the inverter / meter

Details of the owners, device and declarations for reference 

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*CSGCM Provinces (Yun Nan, Gui Zhou, Guang Xi, Guang Dong, Hai Nan, Hong Kong & Macau)

Furnish 2 – 3 photos of the device showing the entire facility whether the device is roof mount or ground mounted.

Should show the COD (Commercial Operation Date) of when the Device has started connecting to the power grid.

Should indicate name of the device owner of the grid in order to prove the authentication of the device.

Should have a 3rd party authorized personnel verification with chop and signatory

Owners granting exclusive right to act in respect of trading all renewable energy attributes (Green) and obtain declaration from device owner that device has not be registered in other registries or platform to prevent double counting.

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Coordinates provided must accurately pinpoint the asset location to ensure there is no ambiguity.

Showing the serial of the inverter / meter

Details of the owners, device and declarations for reference 

Click link to view template

To ensure a device can be approved in Evident registry, the device owner must authenticate that the device is existent, and the grid connected by verification of the above-mentioned documents like interconnection documentation, certificate of commissioning, power purchase agreements, attestations of other relevant documentation (if needed) to demonstrate the requirements above.