General Questions

In the context of claiming 100% solar energy use, a property owner with suitable land/rooftop space for the installation and direct ownership of a solar photovoltaic system that generates sufficient electricity for the premise can choose this option.

Where space is unavailable or direct capital expenditure is not preferred, power purchase agreements with renewable energy developers can be explored, where the claim of renewable energy use may be validated through the RECs issued from respective project(s).

The third option for claiming the consumption of renewable energy is through the purchase and redemption of standalone RECs to cover the volume of electricity consumed. This option allows for the setting of specific criteria pertaining to the nature and origin of RECs desired.

Albeit through different mechanisms, all three options serve the same purpose of allowing the claim of renewable energy consumption.

RECs and Carbon Offsets credits are two different instruments. RECs are measured in terms of electricity units and are used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources. On the other hand, Carbon Offsets are measured in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and are used to represent the reductions/avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions.

I-REC Questions (Device Registration)

You will need to submit the following documents for REHash*:

  • A completed and signed Device Registration Form (you can find a copy of the form here https://www.gcc.re/)
  • A completed and signed copy of the Owner’s Declaration Letter on company letterhead or if you, as Registrant is the device owner, evidence that you own the device. Evidence of device ownership should state both the device name and device owner, e.g. business licence.
  • Project photos, preferably taken with a mobile phone or camera that embeds GPS information in the image file.
  • Annotated copies of the Single Line Diagram (SLD) which shows the device name or device owner, the metering points and power generation. The SLD must be an official copy and be stamped. If there is no official stamp, we will require a signature as a minimum.
  • Sample metering evidence with the device name, metering period (e.g. month and year) and the MW or kW of generated electricity clearly marked.
  • Copies of any Power Purchase Agreements.
  • If the device is a wind farm, we will also require a spreadsheet containing the co-ordinates for each turbine within the wind-farm.
  • * Please note that for devices in the following countries we will also require the following:

    • For devices located in China: please confirm whether the device is receiving a Feed-In Tariff.
    • For devices located in Mexico: we also require confirmation that the device is not receiving CELs.
    • For devices located in India we will require details of any Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) or Wheeling Agreement and notification of where a device has been registered for the Indian RECs scheme.
    • Please note that we are unable to register devices located in the Philippines if they were commissioned from 2009 onwards.

You will be asked to enter both the co-ordinates of the device and the address of the device. The address must be the address of the device (e.g. the address of the wind farm, solar plant, hydropower plant, etc) and not the office address of the device owner.

No, in order for a device to be registered we will need the exact co-ordinates of the device. The co-ordinates should be the co-ordinates of the device and not the co-ordinates for the office address of the device owner. If you are registering a wind farm we will also require a spreadsheet containing the co-ordinates for each turbine.

The first day of eligible production can be up to 12 months prior to the issuer receiving the device registration documentation. However, this period may be restricted by the issuing window which typically closes for the previous production years on 15 May.

Yes, when registering a wind farm we require a spreadsheet containing the co-ordinates for each turbine within the wind-farm to be uploaded with the supporting documents.

Devices are registered for an initial period of 5 years. At the end of the 5-year period, we will contact you to provide you with the opportunity to renew the device for a further 5 years. Further details of the process and costs involved will be outlined in an email to you at that time.

There is no strict rule on the naming convention for the device name. The only requirement is that the device name needs to be consistently represented and reflected throughout all the documentation (SLD, PPA, Metering info etc.) so that it can be referenced and matched accurately to the correct device name.

We will only need single line diagram with the device name and other relevant information needed for registration to be preferably translated to English. We do not need the all the documents to be fully translated into English, only the relevant contents that the registry needs to ascertain the authenticity and ownership of the device clearly for the registration to be translated to English will do.

I-REC Questions (RECs Issuance)

You will need to upload the following documents:

  • A completed, signed and dated Issuing Request Form.
  • Metering evidence which shows the production device, the amount of energy produced and the date period in which the energy was produced (e.g. a sales invoice).

*Please note for Issue Requests covering multiple months it is recommended that you also upload a spreadsheet showing each month’s total production and the total for the issuing period.

No. An I-REC is a statement of a historic fact and is issued against proof of generation from a specific source at a specific time. A future delivery cannot be guaranteed by any Issuer.

It is not possible to register RECs from period of existing year which spills over to following year. For cases of RECs registrations which spills over to the following year, it has to be submitted separately.

No, the Evident Registry will only allow you to use a date range once. So, for example, if you had eligible production of 15000MWh for 1 May 2021 – 31 July 2021 but you only wanted to claim 60%, you could submit an issue request for 9000MWh, dated 1 May 2021 to 25 June 2021. You would then have the option to claim the remaining 6000MWh using the date range 26 June 2021 – 31 July 2021.

No, please be aware that if you submit an Issuing Request which is dated for a full month, but you only want to claim for half of the month you will not be able to claim the balance at a later date. For example, if you had eligible production of 1000.00 MWh for 1 May 2021 – 31 May 2021 but you only wanted to claim 600MW, you could submit an issue request for 1 May 2021 to 19 May 2021. You would then have the option to claim the remaining 400MWh using the date range 20 May 2021 – 31 May 2021.

No, we ask that you do not submit Issuing Requests that cross year ends.

Yes, you can claim up to 3 decimal places. However, the Evident Registry only issues I-RECs for a full MWh, but it will store any fractions of a MWh and will then automatically allocate any decimals once a full MWh has been reached.

*Please note this only applies to the same device and decimals of MWh from different devices cannot be combined.

For production between 1 January and 30 June the complete Issue Requests must be submitted by 31 May of the following year.

For production between 1 July and 31 December the complete Issue Requests must be submitted by 30 September of the following year.

We cannot accept Issue Requests after these deadlines.

No, once you have issued your I-RECS and they have been credited to your account there is no timescale on when they must be sold by. However, in line with many organisations, we encourage best practice that I-RECs be allocated to redemption periods similar to the production period.

I-REC Questions (RECs Redemption)

Step by step instructions on how to redeem I-RECs can be found in pages 19-25 of the Participant User Guide which you can access here at: https://evident.services/support/registry.

Please note that the redemption of an I-REC marks the end of its transferrable lifecycle. Once redeemed, an I-REC can no longer be traded therefore please check the details carefully when making redemption requests as the process is irreversible.

Step by step instructions on how to generate a redemption statement can be found in pages 26-30 of the Participant User Guide which you can access here at: https://evident.services/support/registry.

Please note that once requested it is not possible to reverse the process.

No, it is not possible for Participants to reverse the process and so we recommend that you check the details at all stages of the process. The Evident Registry also provides warning messages throughout the redemption process, for example you will see the following message at the approval stage: Warning: This process cannot be undone, so please check the details carefully before recs redemption request submission.

You may choose any dates, for example it is possible to report from 1 December 2021 to 31 December 2022. However, it is up to the Beneficiary and any organisation which they may report to determine which certificates may be acceptable for any given time period.

No, once created, (i.e. by selecting ‘Submit’ on the ‘Add new Beneficiary’ screen of the Evident registry it cannot be modified. If a Beneficiary is no longer required, it should be marked as Inactive. Further details on how to add beneficiaries of mark them as inactive can be found in page 16-18 of the Participant User Guide which you can access here at: https://evident.services/support/registry.

No, you do not need to add the country to the Location field as the country should be selected from the ‘Country’ drop down box. The Location field should contain the building number, street name, city/town or state and the zip/postal code.

TIGR Questions (Asset Registration)

Coordinates refers to the Latitude and Longitude of the Asset address/location where it was built at. It can be at same location as the company if Asset is installed on the rooftop. (Provide Asset photo to justify.)

You will be asked to enter both the co-ordinates of the asset and the address of the asset on the Registry. The address must be the address of the asset (e.g. the address of the wind farm, solar plant, hydropower plant, etc) and not the office address of the Asset owner.

No, in order for an Asset to be registered we will need the exact co-ordinates of the Asset. The co-ordinates should be the co-ordinates of the asset and not the co-ordinates for the office address of the Asset owner.

2 – 3 photos of the Asset installation would be preferred.

The person in charge of the Project / Asset Registration OR the responsible person providing the Asset information required for the registration.

Yes. It is necessary to provide documents for verification purposes before we can register the Asset.

Power Purchase Agreement can be provided as a proof of Asset ownership. Alternatively, if the electricity generated by the Asset for self-consumption, Asset owner can provide a signed quotation for the installation of the Asset, or invoice for the purchase of the system. You may mask off sensitive information from the document, however required details such as Asset name, address of Asset, signatory of owner and installation company (if Asset is purchased, then previous owner signatory is required) must be shown. These documents are required to verify Asset ownership.

TIGR Questions (RECs Registration)

Metering evidence which shows the asset, the amount of energy produced and the date period in which the energy was produced (e.g. a sales invoice).

No. RECs are issued against proof of generation from a specific source at a specific time. Issuance must be against actual renewable energy generation that has already occurred.

TIGR Questions (RECs Retirement)

No, it is not possible to reverse the process and so we recommend that you check the details at all stages of the process.

No, once created, it cannot be modified.